Terrawatu is raising funds for a very special place, located in Mkonoo Village, Tanzania
The Lynn Bretsnyder Women's Centre (LBWC) is a dream come true for many people and is the culmination of over 20 years of Terrawatu's work rooted in Maasai communities in East Africa.
When Terrawatu's longtime Board Member Lynn Bretsnyder passed away in 2021, she left a portion of her estate to Terrawatu. Our whole team in Tanzania agreed that the best use of these funds would be to create this Women's Centre, a legacy of a woman deeply committed to empowering women and girls, and a champion of Mother Earth.
The Women's Centre addresses many of the most pressing global issues of our time and harnesses solutions in a way that is truly transformational. These include:
- peer-to-peer education on women's and children's rights and family planning strategies
- enactment of new agricultural technologies at adjacent permaculture farm to address climate changes, increase food security and improve nutrition
- increase small business development by providing workshop space for traditional handicrafts
- increase local incomes so children can go to good schools
- less people will seek to migrate when they are able to live comfortably on their homeland
A fundraising event was held at the Woman's Club of Coconut Grove, Florida on May 4, 2023 because Lynn Bretsnyder was a beloved member of this club and the Terrawatu USA team is collaborating with members to develop a partnership, a 'sister club' relationship linking Coconut Grove and Mkonoo, Tanzania.
The LBWC was officially opened on 12 October 2024 and a Director was appointed. A 3-year Strategic Plan is now being implemented with the goal of making the centre self-sustainable and a role model for other women's centres to come.
With a donation of $5,000 or more, your name will be engraved on the façade of the Centre.